Plumbers Never Do These 8 Things in Their Home, so Why Do YOU?


plumbers never do
Photo by Eakrin Rasadonyindee from Shutterstock
  • Another thing plumbers never do is postpone maintenance

Like any other item we use regularly, plumbing systems need proper check-ups now and then. Because plumbers know the importance of this crucial aspect, they never postpone it. If something seems like it’s not working at its full capacity and you aren’t sure what is wrong, don’t be afraid to call a plumber! It might be a small leak that, in a couple of days, might turn into a bigger one, or the septic tank doesn’t work anymore. Whatever the reason, at least twice a year, it’s important to ask professionals to take a look.

Furthermore, plumbers also recommend checking the supply lines to see if they’re still in good shape because most of them last only 3 or 4 years. Be careful!

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One Response

  1. For excess grease after cooking save and use your old paper coffee cups instead of a jar or plastic. Freeze the grease then dispose in garbage on morning of garbage collection. I do this with many of old cooking liquids and in summer chicken and meat bones

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Hylo Music Presents

Sheri Houston

Livestream Concert

January 28th * 7pm