Plumbers Never Do These 8 Things in Their Home, so Why Do YOU?


plumbers never do
Photo by Grigvovan from Shutterstock
  • Don’t put bricks in the toilet tank

Some claim that adding a brick to the toilet tank would help you save water; however, doing so may prevent your toilet from emptying properly. Additionally, the bad news is that liquid drain cleaners erode away at the pipes. Use a toilet auger, which costs $30, or a plunger.

  • Don’t use your pipes as hangers

Another thing that plumbers never do is hang things over the pipelines. Why? Well, the answer is simple: no matter how light or small the item you want to hang is, most probably, in due time, the pipes will break and the flood will happen.

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One Response

  1. For excess grease after cooking save and use your old paper coffee cups instead of a jar or plastic. Freeze the grease then dispose in garbage on morning of garbage collection. I do this with many of old cooking liquids and in summer chicken and meat bones

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Hylo Music Presents

Sheri Houston

Livestream Concert

January 28th * 7pm