Kitchen Upgrade: 9 Quick Projects That Cost Less Than $100


cabinet hardware
Photo by Berkay Demirkan from Shutterstock

3. Swap in new hardware

Instead of (or in addition to) painting your kitchen cabinets, another entry in our list of affordable kitchen upgrades involves replacing your existing hardware with something new for a modern, updated look. has plenty of options to choose from; classic or with a vintage vibe, brand new cabinet knobs can bring a whole new vibe to your kitchen.

Alternatively, shine up your old hardware or give it a fresh coat of paint. According to interior designers, cabinet hardware is similar to most plumbing and tile in that it will start to feel dated after about 20 years. Their piece of advice is to limit yourself to two metals in any given space.

For instance, if your kitchen plumbing is chrome, aim to use black or brass cabinet hardware to add more visual interest to the space.

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Hylo Music Presents

Sheri Houston

Livestream Concert

January 28th * 7pm