8 Hacks to Upcycle That Boring Garden Furniture


We’ve all got a piece of furniture in our garden or home that is starting to show signs of wear. Why not treat it with some TLC, some new handles, and fresh paint, and allow it to brighten up your surroundings once again?

Upcycling is quite popular these days, and not just because it helps us save money and gives our personal spaces a unique vibe—it also saves the planet!

American households produce tons of waste each year, which is quite alarming. That’s why it’s time to reduce the global trend of mass consumption and mass production and join thousands of homeowners who are more and more interested in repurposing old furniture and creating something personal and unique that you won’t see in anyone else’s house.

Upcycling is basically when you take a worn-out and old item that you’d otherwise throw away and repurpose it by turning it into something useful and creative.

Let’s see what you can do to restore old garden furniture and make something interesting yet inexpensive that will brighten your outdoor space and save you some cash in the process.

Here are 8 hacks to upcycle that boring garden furniture!

garden furniture
Photo by Lia_Russy from Shutterstock

1. Repurpose an old kitchen table

With growing your own garden having become quite a trend these days, more and more of us are willing to spend more time outside growing flowers or produce (or even both). If you’re also looking to have your own small garden, here’s a great idea to upcycle old furniture: an elevated herb garden.

All you need is an old wooden table. You’ll be glad you haven’t thrown it away! The first thing you have to do is remove the tabletop. Next, invert the supporting wooden boards to create a soil bed. Then comes the sanding, cleaning, and painting.

Once you’re done doing these things, fill the bed with soil and plant herbs. The elevation should keep pests at bay.

2. Use an old ladder as a trellis or pergola

An old ladder isn’t exactly a garden furniture piece, but it’s a great example of how amazing upcycling can be. Nothing is thrown away—you can find a second life for almost every item that looks old.

Incorporating garden shade ideas into your outdoor space doesn’t have to mean purchasing a brand-new parasol or pergola. Use an old ladder as the perfect support for trailing or climbing plants.

Whether repurposed as a trellis against a wall or as an overhanging pergola-type structure, an old wooden ladder adds character and style while also providing support. If you choose the pergola-style idea, don’t forget to secure it to wooden poles.

3. Makeover an old dining set

Is the garden furniture looking dull? I know what you’re probably thinking: “I need new garden furniture pieces.” Well, make sure you try this idea first before getting rid of your old furniture.

So, clean it carefully and give it a coat of paint. Choose something basic to match the setting, or go for an intense burst of bold color. You just have to let your creativity run wild. In fact, upcycling is meant to be fun, so go ahead and do your thing!

If you have an indoor set that you no longer want there, you can definitely turn it into an outdoor furniture set, but don’t forget to use the right preserving materials. This will ensure that the pieces will withstand the outdoor elements.

garden furniture
Photo by Kabardins photo from Shutterstock

4. A wooden pallet in the past, a new coffee table in the future

Do you happen to have a wooden pallet somewhere hidden in your garden or garage? Well, it’s time for you to give it a new purpose! As we look to furnish our outdoor spaces more like the indoors and with grassless garden ideas becoming more popular, a coffee table turns into an essential furniture item for your garden, too.

This idea is also great because you don’t have to spend too much money, so if you’re on a budget, this may be an awesome alternative. Consider adding a splash of color to make your new coffee table truly unique. Step up the game and install casters on the table’s legs to make it mobile.

5. Transform old shelves

Have an old cabinet or bookshelves that are no longer useful? Perhaps you’ve been keeping them in the garage or attic, waiting for the right moment to get rid of them. Well, you’ll be grateful that you didn’t.

You can easily transform your old bookshelves or cabinets into a lovely garden accessory. In fact, the natural shape of a bookshelf is perfect for many garden projects. If you love gardening, you can use a bookshelf to separate your herbs, as every shelf can easily turn into a plant container. Or you can create your very own garden bar.

Old shelves are also great for storing garden things that seem to have a place. Not only are they useful, but they can give your outdoor space a real retro and rustic feel.

6. A cupboard in the past, a smart potting bench in the future

Rather than getting rid of an old piece of unwanted furniture, try to see if there’s a way to repurpose it. For instance, an old cupboard can easily fulfill a job in the garden. With just a few easy modifications, you can turn it into a budget-friendly potting table. If you love taking care of your plants, a place like this will be quite helpful for you.

All it takes is some paint to jazz it up and give it weatherproof protection. Check the shed or garage to see what stuff you already have on hand to keep project costs low. Install hooks on the side to hang your tools.

garden furniture
Photo by Lautaro Federico from Shutterstock

7. Upcycle a slatted bed base as a vertical planter

Vertical gardens are a great choice for small spaces or urban gardens. It’s a perfect fit to brighten things up while maximizing your outdoor space. Vertical gardens can be loaded with anything from seasonal veggies to fresh herbs, or maybe you want to grow some lovely flowers.

And who says you have to spend a lot of money to have your own vertical garden? With this surprising hack, you can have your own vertical planter without breaking the bank! All you need is a bed base and some paint! Make sure you use exterior wood paint to ensure the planter will withstand the outdoor conditions.

Next, take some hanging pots (these ones are very easy to install) and place them along the slats as you’d like. The final step is to start growing plants or herbs or replanting the ones you already have.

8. Turn decking offcuts into a garden path

If you’ve had decking boards laid, chances are you have some surplus left. Think twice before throwing them away. Those valuable offcuts can be trimmed to the size you want to create a neat garden walkway. You can even paint them to match your backyard design.

If you want to build an even more lovely garden path, lay some white pebbles on the ground first, then add the offcuts. Not only will this trick keep weeds at bay, but it will give your garden an even more seaside feel.

You may also want to read 8 Easy Fence Upgrades From Landscaping Experts.

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