Picture this: Your things weren’t stored properly in your basement, and now they’re floating around, so you’ve called some of your friends, and this weekend, you’re going to stop that water from getting in once and for all!
Well, we wouldn’t do that if we were you! Unfortunately, digging, spreading the waterproofing material, and then backfilling will take much longer than you might think.
Specialists commonly see that the job was initiated by the homeowner who dug the hole but didn’t actually finish the job. That hole will be left open until a pro arrives, and it will take in even more moisture and potentially cave in.
Or the ground was so drenched with water that it had to dry out before it could be adequately excavated, says an RCC Waterproofing Consultant.
Safety is the biggest concern when doing a DIY home improvement job like this. Every year, there’s commonly one fatality due to trenches caving in.
Window or skylight installation
Some window fixes that involve weather stripping, caulking, gaskets, and screens are excellent projects for DIYers to take on.
However, inaccurate window installation is a DIY home improvement job that can result in leaks costing more in energy inefficiency than professional installation would have cost to begin with.
Adding a skylight implies cutting through the roof and installing flashing, which must be done by a roofer usually. With both, failure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions can void the warranty.
And if your project does involve replacing a few window screens, we recommend purchasing these easy to install screens from Amazon!