15 Easy DIY Hacks to Keep Your Home Safe 24/7


Photo by Cautivante.co from Shutterstock

7. Install Dummy Surveillance Cameras

You don’t need to buy expensive surveillance cameras to keep your home safe. You can actually trick would-be intruders by installing cameras that seem like they’re watching your house, even if they really aren’t. An interesting idea I’ve recently heard from a friend is to install webcams and turn them into security cameras that will allow you to keep an eye on your property no matter where you are.

8. Bar Doors and Windows

Sliding windows and doors give burglars good opportunities to invade your house. By simply placing metal bars or wooden dowels in these areas, you’ll secure them so that criminals won’t be able to open them. So, keep your home safe by cutting some dowels and making sure they fit into the track whenever the windows or doors are closed.

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Hylo Music Presents

Sheri Houston

Livestream Concert

January 28th * 7pm