15 Easy DIY Hacks to Keep Your Home Safe 24/7


Photo by michusa from Shutterstock

9. Leave Tracks in the Snow

I’ll leave this trick here for the winter season, as it’s very helpful. If you’re going to be gone for several days during the winter, burglars will look for tracks around your house in the snow. Ask a neighbor to come to your house and track up the walkway that leads to your house entrance so that it seems as if you’re home.

This will help you keep your home safe since untouched snow tends to be an indicator to burglars that you’re gone, especially if it stays untouched for a couple of days.

10. Keep Ladders Put Away

You use a ladder for some tasks around the house, and when you’re done, you leave it sitting up against the wall. Most homeowners have done that at least once. Well, if you want to keep your home safe, you may want to stop doing that.

A ladder leaning against your house is basically an invitation for would-be burglars to enter your upstairs windows. Most don’t bring their own ladders, as it is too much of a hassle, and you definitely don’t want to make their job easier. So, make sure you put ladders away in the work shed or garage when they’re not in use.

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Hylo Music Presents

Sheri Houston

Livestream Concert

January 28th * 7pm