Forget all those toxic chemicals! Try these natural cleaning methods instead.
Are you tired of piercing chemicals lingering in your living spaces? Seeking alternatives that are gentle on both your home and the rest of the environment? Well, look no further!
In today’s world, where sustainability and health-conscious living are gaining momentum, the demand for natural cleaning methods is rising.
From everyday household ingredients to eco-friendly products, these natural cleaning methods are both affordable and probably already living in your home.
Say goodbye to chemical residues and artificial scents and, and embrace a cleaner, greener approach to tidying up your home. Whether scrubbing countertops, freshening the air, or attacking tough stains, there’s a natural solution for every cleaning task.
Let’s explore the wonders of 10 natural cleaning methods and transform your living spaces into healthier havens for all who dwell within.

Natural cleaning method: Dish soap or vinegar for windows
You don’t need Windex for your mirrors and windows as long as you have some dish soap and, ideally, vinegar around the house. You can clean your windows using a couple of drops of dish soap in a bucket of water or ten parts of water mixed with one part of white vinegar.
The key to success is thoroughly drying the surface after wiping it with your homemade cleaning solution. So keep a dry and clean cloth on hand to finish the task.
Natural cleaning method: Distilled alcohol for tech
You can buy pre-made cleaners for all your gadgets, but why would you want to? All you really need to keep your tech devices clean is a bit of rubbing alcohol mixed with some distilled water.
Natural cleaning method: Pine cleaner for surfaces
This recipe is even better around the holidays. But it’s doable any time of the year as long as you have access to some pine. To make it, you’ll need some vinegar, water, pine needles, rubbing alcohol, a large jar, and a spray bottle.
Be sure to leave it in a sunny place for about a week before you use it. You can use the spray bottle to wipe down tables and countertops.
Natural cleaning method: Citric acid for dishwashers
You can banish hard water deposits for good by running some citric acid through your dishwasher. You can also use it to clean your toaster oven, electric kettle, and so on.
Natural cleaning method: Vinegar for floors
Don’t keep refilling your Swiffer Wetjet with that expensive store-bought solution. Instead, try filling your old bottle with equal parts water and the distilled vinegar, then adding a couple drops of dish soap. Shake it all up, mix it, and pop the bottle back into the Swiffer.
And if you’re so anti-chemical that you don’t even have a Wetjet, use this same solution in a bucket with your regular mop. And while we’re on this topic, vinegar is genuinely multipurpose, so we love it as a DIY cleaner for everything.
To clean your surfaces, simply mix a cup of distilled water, one of white vinegar, and 15 drops of your favorite essential oil in a spray bottle… And VOILA! You’ve got yourself a fantastic multipurpose cleaner.

Natural cleaning method: Orange cleaner for surfaces
As you’ve probably guessed by now, vinegar is a DIYer’s best friend for home cleaning. But we must admit, the smell can be pretty pungent. Granted, part of the benefit of using this handy liquid as a cleaning solution is that it’s also an incredible deodorizer.
Your space will smell intensely like vinegar for a while, but give it a bit, and, like magic, the vinegar smell will evaporate along with whatever bad smells came before it.
However, adding citrus is a refreshing way to get your home clean with a pleasant smell, and for a much lower cost than most cleaning solutions from the supermarket. The best part is that it takes very little effort on your part.
All you need to make your cleaner is some leftover citrus peels from oranges, distilled white vinegar, and a bit of water. Fill up an airtight container with your peels, cover them with white vinegar, and wait about two weeks.
After this, you can strain the peels, dilute the mixture with water, and put it in a spray bottle. You can use it as an all-purpose cleaner for grime, grease, dirt, or anything else in the bathroom or kitchen except fancy surfaces like granite or marble.
Natural cleaning method: Black tea for hardwood floors
Like us, hardwood floors may need some lovely tea after a long day. Bring some water to a boil, add about eight black tea bags, and wait 15 minutes. Apply the tea to the areas of your floor that need some extra care.
The tannins in black tea can enhance the warm coloring of wood and help hide minor scratches. Also, black tea is derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant and contains polyphenolic compounds that discourage microbial growth.
Natural cleaning method: Castile soap for ovens
One of our favorite natural cleaning secrets is using baking soda and Castile soap to make an “easy off” cleaner for ovens. Simply combine them together in equal parts until they begin to form a paste.
Then, use a sponge to apply it to the inside of your oven. Wait about half an hour, then wipe away the residue with a wet cloth, spray everything down with vinegar, and wipe until dry.
Natural cleaning method: Lemons for microwaves
You can de-gunk your icky microwave by boiling some lemons in water and scrubbing the interior afterward. For this, you’ll need a lemon, three minutes, and a sponge. The process also requires a microwave-safe bowl and a dry towel.
Here’s what to do: Measure about a half cup of water into the bowl. Slice the lemon in half and squeeze it into the water. Drop the lemon halves into the bowl. Place the bowl in the microwave and microwave on high for three minutes or until the liquid comes to a boil.
Let it stand for about 5 minutes. Don’t open the microwave door. The steam trapped inside will help loosen up all the food gunk. Then, open the door and carefully remove the bowl with the lemons. If your microwave has a turntable, wipe it clean.
Wipe the microwave inside clean, starting with the ceiling and sides. Finish with the floor, getting rid of any crumbs. And remember the door!
If you come across any stubborn spots that won’t wipe away easily, dip the corner of your towel in the lemon water and scrub until the spot comes out.

Natural cleaning method: Tea tree oil for showers
A fantastic shower cleaner recipe we’ve always loved involves water, dish soap, white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, lemon essential oil, and tea tree oil. Follow our recipe, fill a spray bottle, and turn your shower into a spotless oasis.
1 and a half cups of water
1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap
1/2 a cup of rubbing alcohol
1 cup of white vinegar
15 drops of lemon essential oil
15 drops of tea tree essential oil. Buy a bottle HERE.
Mix all the ingredients in a quart-sized spray bottle.
Shake it very well and spray it onto your shower surfaces every day after you take a shower.
Be sure to let us know if you use any other natural cleaning methods you’d like our readers to know about. And if you liked this post, Crafty Captain has many more brilliant tips for you.
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