How to Create a Healthy Bedroom Environment
Have you ever wondered where your home’s dirtiest area is? Many surveys have shown that Americans struggle to keep their garages, kitchens, and bedrooms clean. Are you one of them?
Our bedrooms should be a peaceful and private space, just like a sanctuary, where we can charge our batteries overnight and wake up full of energy in the morning. Each item from our bedroom influences the quality of our sleep and even our health. Keeping our bedrooms clean and tied up is crucial, especially if we consider it a space of recovery, where everything should be in the right place.
We tend to forget that our bedrooms are primarily for sleeping and end up deposing many things there. Every item that can be directive and influence how you feel in that room should be kept away. No yoga mats, dog supplies, or tech items should be placed in your bedroom. Keep it as empty as possible.
These may seem simple tips, but trust us, if you consider our advice, you’ll immediately see significant improvements in the quality of your sleep. We asked professional designers how to create the most welcoming and charming bedroom. So, stick with us because we’ve got you covered! Those long working days will not feel the same after you make these improvements.

Keep These 9 Things Away from Your Bedroom!
1. Phones and TVs
We live in the era of technology,, and we all know how hard it is to avoid our devices. However, the efforts are totally worth it, especially when it comes to our bedrooms. Avoiding screens can help us fully relax and benefit from a night of quality sleep. According to designers, our bedrooms should be kept mess-free, tech-free, and as calming as possible.
The bedroom should be a place of decompression. Considering how many distractions we have daily, understand the importance of unwinding your brain. Replace all the devices with family photos and books that offer you comfort.
Let’s all be honest and admit that it is almost impossible to stop using our smart devices. However, the damage caused by the artificial light from our beloved electronics is highly underestimated and can make it harder for the brain to produce melatonin. Even if we won’t completely avoid using our smartphones in our bedroom, the minimum we can all try to do is stop using them for at least 2 hours before sleep.

2. Office equipment
Printers, laptops, computers, shredders, and everything you usually use at work should never be placed in your bedroom. Designer Amity Warrel believes that even desks should be avoided unless they are simple ones that don’t remind you of work. The bedroom should feel like escaping from routines and daily tasks to a place where you can finally enjoy spending time resting.
You need a space to escape from the commitments that cause stress—we all need it! So, focus more on yourself and your needs and, most importantly, prioritize your well-being.
3. Visual clutter
Bedrooms should feel calming and relaxing, so remove as much visual clutter as possible. You can start by changing the paint color or removing the prints on the wall. Pastel colors are the best for creating a peaceful and welcoming environment. Focus on adding simple furnishings and small pieces of art. Even your sheets and bedding should be carefully chosen to enhance your room’s aesthetic.
On Amazon, you can find a great furniture piece that will help you deposit all of the items that are not disturbing the visual appearance of your bedroom. It’s an item everyone should have in their homes. So, trust us, you’ll not regret purchasing it. This dresser for the bedroom comes in different colors, so you can choose whatever works best for your aesthetic. If you keep losing ground in the battle against scattered pajamas, blankets, and bits and pieces that have nowhere to go, here comes the reinforcement!
4. Exercise equipment
Keep exercise equipment out of your bedroom! They can easily become clutter and the perfect spot for even more clutter! Also, it’s not really sanitary to sleep near your workout equipment. Keeping it in a different area of your home would be better. And… that’s not all! Working out before sleep can seriously affect the quality of your night’s sleep.
Last but not least, you are most likely not working out as much as you would like, so often seeing your equipment will only make you feel even more guilty.

5. Dirty laundry
A basket with dirty laundry should be kept outside your bedroom. The smelly and dirty laundry can seriously affect the air quality in the room and disturb your sleep. Remember to always keep your dirty clothes organized, in specially designed areas, and not all over your home! Having clothes all around your home will make you feel tired and overwhelmed and remind you about all the tasks you didn’t manage to take care of.
6. An old mattress
Did you know that the recommended lifespan of a mattress is around 10 years? If you’ve had yours for longer, make sure to replace it as soon as possible. Believe it or not, most Americans sleep on very old mattresses and don’t replace them until they see clear signs of deterioration. They can cause back problems or even aggravate the existing ones.
Another reason you should upgrade to a new mattress is your health! All the body oils and dead skin cells will attract dust mites that cause serious allergy problems. And if you are not already convinced to replace your old mattress, here is another thing you should know: Experts say that there are more than 10 pounds of dead skin on a 10-year-old mattress. Can you believe that?
7. Beauty and hygiene products
Everything you use right after a bath should be in the bathroom. All the hair products should be close to where you style your hair, and the makeup products should be by the mirror you use. Nobody wants a bedroom full of foreign substances hanging in the air.
Just think about getting your makeup done in your bedroom. You risk damaging your shoes with all that powder and colors. Having specially designed places for every kind of need is essential in maintaining a beautiful and fresh-looking living space.
8. Bright colors
When it comes to bedroom design, you should always opt for bright colors. They have the power to establish a calming atmosphere and help you relax after a long day at work. Bright colors should also be used for your sheets. Trust us, they will make a huge difference in the way you feel when you enter the room. A simple and clean space is all you need to recharge your batteries and get ready for new adventures.
Considering the amount of work we have to do daily, it is essential to take care of our sleeping routine.
9. Food or drinks
You might be tempted to have some snacks while watching a movie in your bedroom, but we already discussed keeping all devices out of the room. If you follow that tip, you will no longer feel the need to eat in your bed. Small changes will have a huge impact on your mood, and most importantly, you will notice great improvements in the quality of your sleep.
So, start with baby steps and transform your life now. It’s easier than you can even imagine. You’ll definitely thank yourself later.
Before leaving, please let us know what the hardest change you have to make in your bedroom is. For example, does it seem difficult to get rid of your TV?
Are you interested in learning more about cleaning? You should also read: 8 Unexpected Washing Machine Items You WON’T Ruin by Cleaning