Get Rid of These 9 Home Items Before Santa Knocks on Your Door


decluttering for winter
Photo by Boris023 from Shutterstock

4. Expired meds

When you start decluttering for winter don’t forget about your medicine cabinet! The cold and flu season traditionally peaks in the winter, so it’s better to get ready for it in advance.

Before any illness strikes your family this season, make sure to check the expiration dates on the medications in the cupboard. After you get rid of what you don’t use anymore, make a list of the medications you should stock up on for the cold season.

5. Winter clothes

Decluttering for winter is fun when you discover clothes you thought you didn’t have anymore that are still wearable. First of all, get 2 boxes, one for the ones you don’t wear and you want to donate, and another for those you want to keep.

Go through your children’s or grandchildren’s stuff too. Verify that the boots and jackets still fit, especially because they grow a lot in a year!  After deciding which things are worth keeping, make sure everything is clean and arrange the outerwear closet so you’ll be prepared for the first frost.

If you’re looking for some boxes to store everything you want to declutter, look no further because I have something for you! These medium-moving boxes with lids and handles come in a pack of 19 and they can be found on Amazon for only $37.49! 

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Hylo Music Presents

Sheri Houston

Livestream Concert

January 28th * 7pm