10 Must-Have Home Upgrades for Your Golden Years


wide doors
Photo by Artazum from Shutterstock

2. Widen Doors and Hallways

Wide doorways aren’t just for when you shoehorn new furniture into your house. They also offer better access for people using wheelchairs and walkers. Again, you may not be using any of these now, but you should be aware of this possibility. So, another home upgrade to consider is widening your doorways.

Your doors should be at least two feet eight inches wide when fully open. That means that they must be, at minimum, two feet, 10 inches wide, and ideally three feet. Wider hallways, such as those that are three feet and six inches wide, also allow easier turning for people in wheelchairs.

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Hylo Music Presents

Sheri Houston

Livestream Concert

January 28th * 7pm