Need Extra Storage? These 11 Simple Tricks Work in Any Home!


Photo by Yaraslau Mikheyeu From Shutterstock

10. Use the old shower curtain rings wisely!

It’s a fact that if you don’t have a lot of space in your house, you have to be a little bit creative. That’s why we’re going to show you how useful some old shower curtain rings can be. Do you remember carabiners? They were pretty handy items, especially in the garden. In this case, the curtain rings can be turned into carabiners.

Your amazing carabiners are going to be those forgotten, old plastic shower curtain rings (if you don’t have any, they can be purchased in sets of 12 for less than $4). They let you attach things to things and hang things in places that you couldn’t before (like these scarves and hats on a coat hanger). As you come up with new applications for them, you’ll adore having them on hand.

11. Use your windows

Who said hanging racks are outdated? If you have a small kitchen, these will come in handy more than anything else. Additionally, windows can consume wall space that might otherwise be used for storage.

Consider installing shelving or racks beneath windows to keep cookware, pans, and other dishes that you usually use, maximizing both light and storage space.

We hope these hacks will come in handy every time you want to declutter and save more space for the things that matter! In case you know any other tips and tricks, leave us a comment. We love hearing from you!

Check out: Your Old Furniture Can Look Stunning With These 8 Hacks.

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Hylo Music Presents

Sheri Houston

Livestream Concert

January 28th * 7pm