6 Easy DIY Projects to Upgrade Your Backyard


Image By JPL Designs From Shutterstock

Install a trellis

If you have a green thumb already then you may already have a trellis in your backyard. However, if you do not, then why not make this your weekend DIY project? You can both put one up and then plant some vine flowers that will end up creating a beautiful garden wall, but it is not only for that. You can also use a wooden trellis to create a yard barrier which can separate two spaces in your yard, create some intimacy and give a new look to the yard.

You do not need a lot of supplies for this DIY project, just some wood planks (you can also get them cut to size at Home Depot once you know the shape you want the trellis to be),  and supplies so that you can hold everything together, which can either be wood glue and clamps, nails and a hammer, or wood screws and electric screwdriver. You should do some research before you get started so that you can find a shape that you both like and that you will be able to put together.

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3 Responses

  1. Love the idea of the trellis in a row. We have a wrap around porch and do not want to put the rails back up. This would be great centered between columns. Thanks

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