18 Amazing Home Upgrades You Can Effortlessly DIY


Home Upgrade
Photo by Doralin Samuel Tunas at Shutterstock

Home Upgrade: Painted Floors

Changing a room’s decor can be difficult if what you choose doesn’t go with your flooring. You don’t want to rip it all up either because that’s a pricey job. So instead, you can paint your floors to give them a new look and make the rest of your space pop.

Home Upgrade: Build A Fence

A fence is not that complicated and doesn’t require more than a weekend. So it’s perfect for rookie DIYers who want to test out their carpentry talents. Digging the posts is a bit labor-intensive, but it’s not rocket science, and measuring out the boards is relatively simple.

Also, it’s a perfect chance to learn how to use a level and chalk line to get everything straight and upright. This will come in handy for any future projects you might have in mind.

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Hylo Music Presents

Sheri Houston

Livestream Concert

January 28th * 7pm