5 Home Safety Devices Every Senior Should Have


Image By shiwork From Enavto Elements

Burner Alert

These types of stove safety gadgets can be life-saving devices for more than just seniors. They are extremely useful, especially if you love to cook and know you have a tendency to hurry when cooking. Multitasking in the kitchen can be a nightmare, and it can be very disorienting for everyone. This type of confusion can end up with people forgetting their stoves are on, and the burners will continue to work even when you do not need them to!

Not only will this cause you to have to pay some really huge gas bills, but they are also a safety and fire hazard. These small discs are installed right under the knobs of your burner top, and they will not interfere with the way the stove generally works, nor will they make cooking harder for you. However, if it happens that you forget to turn the stove on, then the device will send you some visual and audio cues to let you know that you should go turn it off as soon as possible.

The great thing with the new versions of these stove safety gadgets is that they can be connected to your smart TV, your phone, Alexa, and even your email if you wish to receive the alerts there!

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Hylo Music Presents

Sheri Houston

Livestream Concert

January 28th * 7pm