Sometimes it is better not to let the design trends influence the way you want to decorate your home, but you can still take some inspiration from them.
Trends in interior design, like all trends, come and go. And it is okay to let them go and never look back. Some of them are impractical, and some of them might be a little too expensive. It is important to remember that these trends don’t dictate what good taste is.
They can also be a trap that makes people buy more items that they actually don’t need. This is especially true in difficult times like the ones we are currently experiencing.
We believe that everybody who appreciates decorating their homes should attempt experimenting with trends and having a little fun. However, if you want to be inspired by popular trends, we recommend avoiding the following design choices because they will no longer be the thing in 2023.
Is the item we are talking about at No. 4 still the centerpiece of your living room?
Backsplash ledges
We know that you want more space in your kitchen. We also know that you might want that space without adding extra furniture since it can do the exact opposite. But then what are the options? You might think that backsplash ledges are the perfect solution, but this is not the case anymore, especially in 2023.
Let’s face it, they are the best spot for clutter! And they also collect a lot of dust. We are sure that you don’t want that in your kitchen. Nobody puts only their spices and cooking utensils on these ledges.
You will probably start to deposit a lot of random things on them; they will accumulate dust, and you will have to clean these items very often.
As a piece of advice, we’ve noticed that storing most items inside cabinets rather than on countertops or shelves gives a kitchen a neater look, offers more open space, and helps the room seem more welcoming.

Extremely minimalist kitchens
Since we are still talking about kitchens, we definitely need to tackle the subject of squeaky-clean minimalist kitchens. We are sure that you’ve seen them: those all-white or gray kitchens that are mostly empty and look like no one ever uses them.
You have no chance of spotting a single bowl on the counter, let alone any plants or anything else that could liven up the space. Cabinets are typically polished with a high-gloss topcoat, yet there is never a shiny appliance in sight. A truly frightening place to cook!
Now, don’t get us wrong; we are aware that this is the aesthetic, but people tend to appreciate the spaces that feel more familiar. Especially after the pandemic, we need cozy places that make us feel warm on the inside.
These minimalist kitchens are hard to clean up and feel very sterile and artificial. Because of this, they will not be among the top trends of 2023.
The open-concept layout
We’ve witnessed a downturn in the obsession with open-concept design as people have had the chance to spend more time at home in recent years. Many of them appear to be reconsidering the concept of having distinct places in their houses.
People used to like this type of space because it offered a lot of light. However, instead of tearing down every wall, you may get the same effect by choosing the proper color palette. You may get a more open, welcoming effect by painting your walls bright colors while still having separate rooms.
But what’s the appeal of having different rooms? Well, first of all, this can create some kind of structure in your home. Every space will have a very clear character and function. Secondly, and also the most fun part, is that you can decorate every room in a different style or give each area its own vibe.
So, it seems like we will say goodbye to our open-space living rooms and kitchens this year.
TV-centered living rooms
Let’s play a game! We will tell you to imagine something. Ready, set, go! You go to visit someone. You park your car, get out of it, and ring their doorbell. After you say hi to each other, they invite you into their home. You enter the living room. What is the first thing that you can see?
In most cases, the TV will be seated somewhere in the room, and the entire space will be centered around it. You know, the traditional couch in front of the TV?
And you might be wondering, what’s wrong with that? Well, there is nothing wrong with having a big TV in your living room, but the times when this device was that important are long gone. Nowadays, TVs are just like any other gadget. There is no need to design a whole room around it.
For now, all we can say is that this type of room will gradually disappear, and 2023 might be the start of this movement.

Shiplap interiors
Maybe this look can fit well with a coastal home that has the beach and the ocean at its door, but we think that is not the best idea for a home that is located in the suburbs of a big city, for example.
We encourage creativity and the idea of giving your space any look and vibe that you want, but shiplap interiors can just look very off without any context. And besides, there are a lot of other different trims that might have an overall elevated aspect.
Both wainscoting and elegant wall molding are regaining popularity. We’ve seen them done in a monochromatic palette to blend in while still providing depth to the wall.
This upcoming style pays homage to more classic aesthetics while adding a new, fresh touch. Next year, we anticipate seeing a lot more dining rooms and living rooms with wainscoting and wall molding.
Fast furniture
We live in a society where everything is “fast.” From fast food and rapid cycles on the washing machine to one-day shipping or restaurant orders with a 30-minute delivery window, everything in our lives should be done as efficiently as possible.
Convenience and quick or near-instant fulfillment are desired, so it’s only natural that modern home trends and tastes have shifted toward fast furniture.
Fast furniture is a phenomenon that we created solely based on our needs for convenience and mobility. With so many people moving around this was only natural to happen.
Also, more and more people are changing their homes and home design preferences depending on the newest trends each year. Fast furniture tries to create inexpensive, trendy, and easy-to-disassemble furniture.
This might sound great, but fast furniture is not durable and generates excessive waste, severely affecting the environment. Nowadays, since sustainability is a concern for many individuals, they are turning away from cheap furnishings in favor of vintage or secondhand items.
Tell us what your thoughts are about these trends that are disappearing. Do you think they should stay around longer? Are any of these among your favorites? Tell us everything about this in the comments!
And since we are talking about trends, check out these amazing Florida-inspired interior design trends!
7 Timeless Florida Interior Design Trends You Should Follow