10 Common Cleaning Mistakes That Promote Germ Growth


Photo by kurhan from shutterstock.com

5. Not cleaning your toilet brush

Why it’s unclean: When a toilet brush isn’t dried and stored properly after use, bacteria and mold might thrive in the warm, damp environment. Sounds bad, we know, but bacteria don’t do you any service, so the next time you use the brush, you’ll be rubbing these germs back into your toilet.

What to do instead: You can easily fix this by letting the toilet brush to air dry before putting it back in its holder after use. You can also clean it in a bowl with some soap after using it and then allow it to dry so you can place it where it belongs.

6. Not cleaning the right way

What makes it dirty: Dust and crumbs fall on the floor while sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming the floor prior to cleaning the furniture, which then needs a 2nd cleaning.

Methods for repair: Purge a room from the ceiling down. The windows should be cleaned 1st, followed by the furniture (desks, tables, chairs, sofas, ottomans, and so on), and finally the floor.

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15 Responses

  1. I thought about the toilet brush idea before and I am cleaning it more often since Covid has surfaced. That never hurts anyways. Preventing illness goes a long way.
    I’d clean it with a soap ( not soup) solution though. 🤣

    1. A few drops of Lysol in cleaned toilet, swish toilet brush well & this should prove sufficient! The bottle claims it will kill even Covid germs.

  2. the suggested process of adding baking soda to vinegar is a waste of time. The vinegar will convert the baking soda to sodium acetate, water, as well as carbon dioxide gas. I suggest that you do two different steps. 1st vinegar as an anti microbial treatment and 2nd) baking soda to absorb odors.

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Hylo Music Presents

Sheri Houston

Livestream Concert

January 28th * 7pm