Transform Your Kitchen With These 8 Easy Renovation Tips!


These kitchen renovation tips will change your space for the better!

Kitchens are now a place where people like to gather. The old notion that a kitchen is just the place where you cook the food is long gone, and people prefer this room to be more cozy and comfortable for their families and their guests.

If you want a beautiful, functional, and welcoming kitchen, these renovation tips might be perfect for you! Learn how to achieve the perfect look in the most optimal way. Renovations should not be a struggle, and we are here to tell you more about how you can renovate your kitchen effectively.

These renovation tips are tested, and most people who tried them are grateful that they chose to follow them. Learn how to get the kitchen of your dreams without too much effort.

Be sure to scroll down and watch the must-see video that brings these top renovation tips to life! Get ready to transform your kitchen into the perfect blend of style and function!

renovation tips
Photo by Pinkystock from Shutterstock

1. Wide walkways

Let’s be real, no one likes a crowded kitchen. We are sure you had to deal with one before, and it’s an experience you don’t want to repeat, especially in your own kitchen.

This is why, if you have the space to do so, one of the best renovation tips is to always choose the wide walkways. Paths through a kitchen should be at least 36 inches wide! Many are not aware of this, but this is what the experts are saying.

You should be able to move around easily, so always consider all the available space and try to place everything in the correct position so that you will be able to make this space available.

2. If you have a small kitchen, lighten it up!

Ok, let’s say that you are not among the lucky ones who have a lot of space to play around and make their dream kitchen. But a small kitchen can be a very cozy place if you know how to renovate it.

Among all renovation tips, maybe one of the wisest ones is this: Got a small space? Everything should be lightened up! Dark colors make the space smaller, so make sure you are using neutrals on the walls and furniture or lighter colors.

Natural light is also extremely important, so take care of those windows and try to take advantage of them as much as possible. Make them accessible, and always let the light come in.

3. Add a pot filler

This is one of the renovation tips that is all about accessibility. Everyone wants an accessible kitchen, and if they say they don’t, they are not aware of all the advantages that come with it.

Tired of making a mess every time you have to carry a water-filled pot from the stove to the stove? We surely are, and if you want to solve this problem, a pot filler installed near the cooktop will solve this problem in no time.

This is a swing-out tap that will help you fill pots with water near where you plan to heat them, and this will reduce the risk of accidents. It will also help you get the job done quickly, so we consider it a great investment in a kitchen.

4. Outlets, outlets, outlets!

Yes, we can’t make a renovation tips list without including this one! Has this ever happened to you? To want to plug something in and then realize that there are no outlets nearby? Probably yes, and you might not want this to happen again in your new kitchen, right?

Most of the time you will have kitchen appliances around, and to power them you need outlets. Try to install some in key spots, and everything should be good.

It is hard to name something more annoying than not finding an outlet when you need one, and this is your sign to make things better this time!

Ready to get the best tips? Watch this!

5. Plan ahead

It’s great that you are considering all of these renovation tips, but are all of them possible? If you’ve never asked yourself this question, then this is the best piece of advice for you: always plan ahead. Renovations are not something you just decide to do and the next day you start working.

There are a bunch of things you should consider, from the available budget to how big the space is, and not paying attention to any of this can cost you a lot, both money and time.

Avoid this and make sure you are careful about all the renovation tips. Think about them and see if they are working out for you and your kitchen. Never start a project without some research beforehand.

6. Separate cabinetry blocks

Most of the time you see cabinetry blocks that are close to one another, and maybe this is how you imagine the standard kitchen. A row of counters on the floor, a row of cupboards above them, and this is all. This is the kitchen!

But when considering renovation tips, you should know that things can be different. This is our biggest renovation tip from this list. Things can be made in innovative ways that, besides making your kitchen look awesome, will also offer accessibility and space, two things that are essential if you want to have the perfect kitchen.

renovation tips
Photo by idea _Photo from Shutterstock

7. Your counter space is important

When thinking about a new kitchen and you want some renovation tips, one important thing you need to know is that counter space is everything. Imagine this as a “third dimension” of your kitchen after the cupboard space and the pantry space.

Counters might be the most used space in a kitchen, and you should make sure that you are going to make them big enough. Nobody likes to prepare their meals on a tiny counter, and this also can lead to accidents.

Another thing to consider is the countertop height. This should be adjusted to your height, and you can also incorporate two countertop heights in the same kitchen depending on how you plan to use them. Maybe one will be only for preparing food and the other will be there to use it as a table and eat while sitting there.

8. Don’t forget about technology

Maybe you are more old-school, but please don’t say no to technology. We understand that you can do everything on your own, but never underestimate what the new gadgets are capable of doing. It can truly change your life!

The smart kitchen concept is not new, but it’s evolving at an incredible speed. Every year there are new gadgets on the market that are waiting to become a part of your routine. The secret is that you don’t need all of them, but there are a few staple ones that can totally change your kitchen game.

Smart lighting, smart taps, smart trash—all of them are possible, and you can control most of them through Alexa. Next time you make changes to your kitchen, you can give them a try. Start small.

Starting to renovate? This might help you: CRAFTSMAN Screwdriver Set, Slotted & Phillips, 14Piece

Make sure to also read: These Organizing Hacks Will Change Small Apartments Forever

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