Start composting
If you do not want to keep paying for extra soil, you can make your own nutrient-filled one if you start composting. If you already have an area in the back of your yard where you store all the yard scraps before throwing them away, you can easily build a compost bin there and start making your own compost! You can even mix the kitchen scraps with the yard ones, then use the compost when you need to add some nutrient-rich soil to your flowerbeds!
Making a compost bin for your yard is simple. You can get some wood pallets and use those since it is easier, or you can get some wood pieces to make one yourself from Home Depot, where they can also cut them to the sizes you want. Then all you will need to build it are some wood screws and an electric screwdriver, along with some free time on a weekend.
3 Responses
The plant w add ll looks interesting
Great ideas.thanks
Love the idea of the trellis in a row. We have a wrap around porch and do not want to put the rails back up. This would be great centered between columns. Thanks